[F10-nsp] S50 and default-network

Jo Rhett jrhett at svcolo.com
Thu Jun 19 13:38:39 EDT 2008

On Jun 19, 2008, at 10:18 AM, Matthias Saou wrote:
> Thanks for the answer. Maybe I wasn't clear enough : I'm not getting
> any default gateway ( route) through OSPF, but one of the
> networks I am receiving should be considered the "default network".
> With Cisco's IOS (3750 switches are what I've used most), this is
> trivial with the "ip default-network" for instance, which
> will make the switch send out packets for unknown destinations towards
> that network, which can be learnt through any dynamic routing  
> protocols.
> This makes it easy to scale by adding more links through which that
> destination is known. The Force10 link from above clearly states that
> the SFTOS can handle up to 6 identical cost paths. But without the
> ability to point to a default network, it's kind of useless outside of
> a LAN.

I don't think that default network does what you think it does.  And  
more to the point, the implementation of default network on Cisco gear  
changed throughout the years, and doesn't do anything at all on some  
versions of IOS.

A default route is the appropriate thing to use in this situation, and  
the behavior is clearly defined and consistent.  You can have many  
default routes of equal cost.

Jo Rhett
senior geek

Silicon Valley Colocation
Support Phone: 408-400-0550

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