[f-nsp] V6 code suggestion

Bruce Rodger Bruce.Rodger at strath.ac.uk
Fri Dec 10 16:31:21 EST 2004

On Fri, 10 Dec 2004, Cliff Albert wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 10, 2004 at 11:16:38AM -0800, F. David Sinn wrote:
> > Anyone have a good recommendation for code to run on BigIron 4000's to
> > support IPv6?
> >
> > We've been looking at 7.7.02, but have seen some stability issues with
> > it, so thought it might be good to ask others who may be running other
> > versions.
> Does 7.7.02 support IPv6 then ? We are currently running 7.7.01, but
> there's no IPv6 support in that release.
> If there is going to be an IPv6 software release from foundry anytime
> soon we will only use it if it has decent OSPF and BGP support for IPv6

It's supported in 7.7.02 and above, most features on jetcore
only. Like you, we're running 7.7.01 in production, and have briefly
played with 7.8.00b on our development systems.

It appears that 7.7.02 also has support for RIPng, OSPFv3, BGP4+.

There's a new V6 configuration manual - see

Bruce Rodger                      |Bruce.Rodger at strath.ac.uk  PGP key available
Network Manager, IT Services      |http://www.strath.ac.uk/IT/People/bruce.html
The University of Strathclyde     | +44 (0)141 548 3300
Glasgow G4 0LN, Scotland.         | Fax        553 4100

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