[f-nsp] using

Bruce Rodger Bruce.Rodger at strath.ac.uk
Sat Oct 2 18:09:45 EDT 2004

> Guess I now have really no excuse anymore to not submit it as a bug :)

If you do, let me know what happens....

I've been meaning to do it for ages, but I try to not have more than
one "trivial" bug open at once, otherwise I waste too much time following them

Example: Two of out bigirons occasionally throw an error message onto the
telnet console "Error! tunnel, but uptr_pkthdr=NULL"

So I logged a call just asking what this means. I had a suspicion that it was

So far I've not had a definitive answer, but have been asked for
several "show tech" outputs, some console diagnostics (which means
physically visiting the site) and they've also asked me to disable and
re-enable PIM, which involves a reboot. Sigh.


Bruce Rodger                      |Bruce.Rodger at strath.ac.uk  PGP key available
Network Manager, IT Services      |http://www.strath.ac.uk/IT/People/bruce.html
The University of Strathclyde     | +44 (0)141 548 3300
Glasgow G4 0LN, Scotland.         | Fax        553 4100

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