[f-nsp] SSH access to XMR-4000

Morten Isaksen misak at misak.dk
Sun May 27 11:57:26 EDT 2007


I have some problems configuring ssh access on the XMR.

I have executed the following:

Crypto key generate
Ip ssh key-authen no
Ip ssh password-authen yes
Username root password test
Ssh access-group 10

Access-list 10 permit
Access-list 10 deny any

Now I get access denied when I connect to with username
root and password test from But if I type "ip ssh
permit-empty-password yes" then I can login with username root and an
empty password.

Is this a bug or have I forgot something?

The firmware is V3.2.1.cT163.

Morten Isaksen

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