[f-nsp] snmp-limit on foundrys?

Harald Michl harald.michl at univie.ac.at
Wed Feb 4 04:41:22 EST 2009


We do have some Foundry RX-16 with sw-version 2.4.0h. Currently we are  
migrating our statistics and monitoring tools and have about twice the  
amount of snmp-queries than normal. It seems to be as the RX-16 is  
only answering to an amount of snmp-queries per time-intervall.  
Unfortunately I do not have any numbers of queries and intervall time,  
but perhaps someone knows the limits of the box or if it is possible  
to enhance them via config commands?

Any help is appreciated!


  Harald Michl                <harald.michl at univie.ac.at>
  Vienna University - ACOnet www.ACO.net - VIX www.VIX.at
  Universitaetsstrasse 7, A-1010 Vienna,  Austria, Europe
  Tel: +43 1 4277 - 14078 (Fax: - 9140)       HM3550-RIPE

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