[f-nsp] MPLS on MLX

Adam E Barratt (Network Operations) abarratt at socket.net
Mon Apr 26 11:21:10 EDT 2010

Good morning all,

I'm new to the Foundry MPLS world and was wondering if anyone could 
provide a configuration example.  My background is with Cisco MPLS where 
it can run on the router-interface/sub-interface, but it appears that on 
the MLX I can only run MPLS on Eth ports and NOT on VE's?

How do I deal with a commingled network, where my Cisco PE's are running 
MPLS on a certain VLAN and I'm building up a core of MLXs as P routers?

Let me know if you need diagrams.

Many thanks,
Adam E Barratt
Socket Telecom
Project Engineer

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