[f-nsp] BGP Neighbor

Niels Bakker niels=foundry-nsp at bakker.net
Mon Jul 12 17:07:52 EDT 2010

* andreas at larsen.pl (Andreas Larsen) [Fri 09 Jul 2010, 20:39 CEST]:
>I would suggest always setup so that you a route-map based on 
>community or a simple one that don't allow RCF1918 and default. 
>Every routing engineer that peers on the IX around the globe have a 
>maximum prefix set or some sort of route-map filtering. Else they 
>are not worth the name of routing engineers =)

You didn't read the original poster's question, did you?

>>>(2) limit the number of prefixes I SEND to the neighbor (like 
>>>the reverse of "neighbor x.x.x.x maximum-prefix")

	-- Niels.


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