[f-nsp] Suspicious broadcast packets

Niels Bakker niels=foundry-nsp at bakker.net
Fri Apr 8 11:34:20 EDT 2011

* Jorik.Jonker at eu.equinix.com (Jorik Jonker) [Fri 08 Apr 2011, 10:53 CEST]:
>Is this some protocol we should have turned off, or could it be that 
>a part of the switch is losing itself?

Looks like either the receiver or the sender is inserting two bytes 
with all bits set at the beginning of some frames.  Let me guess: this 
concerns port 1/8 on your XMR?  That's not legal Ethernet, though, as 
your wireshark dump already shows (frame length of 1).

I've not seen this particular failure mode myself but I hope that 
doesn't say too much. :) I'd try switching ports and if possible 
linecards on both sides, see if the problem goes away after doing one 
action at a time, and send the broken hardware back to the vendor 
after isolating.

	-- Niels.


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