[f-nsp] DHCPv6 Relay + PD (for customer's router)

Valeri Streltsov v.streltsov at tiera.org
Sun Feb 13 09:12:46 EST 2011


Using CER with 5.1 firmware as DHCPv6 relay.

As DHCPv6 server using ISC DHCP6.

Customer have a router with ipv6 support.

1.Customer's router are requesting by DHCPv6 IPv6 address for self and 
IPv6 block for PCs behind router.

2. CER are receives request and forward it to DHCP server.

3. DHCP server are receives request and generate answer

4. CER receives answer and forward it to customer's router.

5. Customer's router are accepting IPs and delegate IPs to PCs behind him.

Everything is okay, BUT CER isn't making ipv6 route of delegated to 
customer's router block to router. Therefore PCs behind customer's 
router have no IPv6 access because their IPs are not routing to 
customer's router.

Nothing found about DHCPv6 relay & PD in Brocade manual - just only one 
string about how to enable dhcpv6 relay.

May be somebody tried to realize same functionallity for customers or 
knows how to solve it?


Valeri Streltsov
TiERA Broadband

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