[f-nsp] RX16 Console spewing out log messages

Anand Valmiki anand at giganews.com
Tue Jun 19 17:14:17 EDT 2012

Jeroen, that did not work

SSH at rtr1#no debug all
All possible debuggings have been turned off
SPT debugging is off.
MAC-Authentication - All debugging OFF
QoS All debugging OFF

SSH at rtr1#
SSH at rtr1#sh debug
Debug message destination:  Console
SPT debugging is on for HW index 0.
QoS debugging level: 0x00000000


From: foundry-nsp-bounces at puck.nether.net [mailto:foundry-nsp-bounces at puck.nether.net] On Behalf Of Jeroen Wunnink | Atrato IP Networks
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2012 10:56 AM
To: foundry-nsp at puck.nether.net
Subject: Re: [f-nsp] RX16 Console spewing out log messages

try: no debug all

On 6/19/12 5:13 PM, Anand Valmiki wrote:

I am seeing the  below ospf error messages being spewed out on the console port, making the console port unusable. I need to use the console port, does anyone know how to stop these from being logged to the console port? (p.s these messages are not being logged in syslog, and 'no logging console' did not help).

OSPF: database OSPF: database lsa info  invalid 20882350->20dc6410
OSPF: database OOSPF: database lsa info  invalid 20bce928->20ded314
OSPF: database OSPF: database lsa info  invalid 208599a0->20d40620

Thank you


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Jeroen Wunnink

Network Engineer

Atrato IP Networks

jeroen.wunnink at atrato-ip.com<mailto:jeroen.wunnink at atrato-ip.com>

Phone: +31 20 82 00 623
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