[f-nsp] 802.1q-in-q question/verification.

Todd Adamson tadamson at routers.com
Fri Jan 31 12:36:30 EST 2014

Hello all.  This is my first foray into 802.1q-in-q and I 
want to make sure that I am doing this correctly.  I have a 
MLXe, version 5.5.0c running that has a client utilizing 5 
fiber ports for their own routed backbone network.  I 
currently have them running on their own VLAN and all is good.

But they now want to change their setup and utilize their 
own VLANs between locations.  To prevent any customer vlan 
leakage or overlapping of VLAN numbers, I'm planning to 
incorporate q-in-q on their ports.  After reading the docs, 
it appears that all I have to do is add the following 
command to the MLXe:

tag-type 9150 eth 3/11 to 3/15

Is this all I have to do?  Am I missing something?

Any help/suggestions are appreciated.


Todd Adamson
tadamson at routers.com

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