Hello community,<br><br>I have been turning this upside down but I can't seem to figure with is wrong with my RR configuration.<br><br>Here is the topology :<br><br>.1 and .2 : theese are the RRs (CER-RT)<br>.3 and .4 : thesse are the ERs (MLXe-4)<br>
<br>.1 and .3 : on site A (still isolated from site B)<br>.2 and .4 : on site B (still isolated from site A)<br><br><br>On the RR side :<br><br>router bgp<br> local-as XXXXX<br> bfd-enable <br> bfd min-tx 50 min-rx 50 multiplier 3<br>
auto-shutdown-new-neighbors<br> cluster-id XXXXX<br> capability as4 enable<br> maxas-limit in 100<br> fast-external-fallover<br> neighbor ER-PEER peer-group<br> neighbor ER-PEER remote-as XXXXX<br> neighbor ER-PEER description EDGE-ROUTERS-PEERS<br>
neighbor ER-PEER update-source loopback 1<br> neighbor ER-PEER soft-reconfiguration inbound<br> neighbor RR-PEER peer-group <br> neighbor RR-PEER remote-as XXXXX<br> neighbor RR-PEER description ROUTE-REFLECTORS-PEERS<br>
neighbor RR-PEER next-hop-self<br> neighbor RR-PEER update-source loopback 1<br> neighbor RR-PEER soft-reconfiguration inbound<br> neighbor XXX.YYY.ZZZ.1 peer-group RR-PEER<br> neighbor XXX.YYY.ZZZ.3 peer-group ER-PEER<br>
neighbor XXX.YYY.ZZZ.4 peer-group ER-PEER<br>! <br> address-family ipv4 unicast<br> redistribute static route-map FROM-STATIC-V4-TO-BGP<br> neighbor ER-PEER route-reflector-client<br> neighbor ER-PEER send-community<br> neighbor RR-PEER route-map in FROM-RR<br>
neighbor RR-PEER route-map out TO-RR<br> neighbor RR-PEER send-community<br> exit-address-family<br>! <br> address-family ipv4 multicast<br> exit-address-family<br>! <br> address-family ipv6 unicast<br> exit-address-family<br>
! <br> address-family ipv6 multicast<br> exit-address-family <br>! <br> address-family vpnv4 unicast<br> neighbor XXX.YYY.ZZZ.1 activate <br> neighbor XXX.YYY.ZZZ.1 send-community both<br>
neighbor XXX.YYY.ZZZ.3 activate <br> neighbor XXX.YYY.ZZZ.3 route-reflector-client<br> neighbor XXX.YYY.ZZZ.3 send-community both<br> neighbor XXX.YYY.ZZZ.4 activate <br> neighbor XXX.YYY.ZZZ.4 route-reflector-client<br>
neighbor XXX.YYY.ZZZ.4 send-community both<br> exit-address-family<br><br><br>The VPNv4 session comes just fine :<br><br>SSH@rr01.XXX#sh ip bgp vpnv4 summary <br> BGP4 Summary <br> Router ID: XXX.YYY.ZZZ.2 Local AS Number: XXXXX<br>
Confederation Identifier: not configured<br> Confederation Peers: <br> Cluster ID: XXXXX<br> Maximum Number of IP ECMP Paths Supported for Load Sharing: 1<br> Number of Neighbors Configured: 3, UP: 1<br> Number of Routes Installed: 0<br>
Number of Routes Advertising to All Neighbors: 0 (0 entries)<br> Number of Attribute Entries Installed: 0<br> Neighbor Address AS# State Time Rt:Accepted Filtered Sent ToSend<br> XXX.YYY.ZZZ.1 XXXXX CONN 7d 2h14m 0 0 0 0 <br>
XXX.YYY.ZZZ.3 XXXXX CONN 8d 1h10m 0 0 0 0 <br> XXX.YYY.ZZZ.4 XXXXX <b>ESTAB</b> 7d 2h10m 0 0 0 0 <br><br><br>Still, the AFI shows it's not activated :<br>
<br>SSH@rr01.XXX#sh ip bgp peer-group <br>1 BGP peer-group is ER-PEER, Remote AS: XXXXX<br> Description: EDGE-ROUTERS-PEERS<br> UpdateSource: Loopback 1<br> SoftInboundReconfiguration: yes<br> Address family : IPV4 Unicast <br>
activate <br> SendCommunity: yes<br> Address family : IPV4 Multicast<br> no activate <br> Address family : IPV6 Unicast <br> no activate <br> Address family : IPV6 Multicast <br>
no activate <br><b> Address family : VPNV4 Unicast <br> no activate <br></b> Address family : L2VPN VPLS <br> no activate <br> Members:<br> IP Address: XXX.YYY.ZZZ.3<br> IP Address: XXX.YYY.ZZZ.4, AS: XXXXX <br>
<br><br>It's exactly the same from result seen from the ER :<br><br>SSH@er01.XXX#sh ip bgp vpnv4 summary <br> BGP4 Summary <br> Router ID: XXX.YYY.ZZZ.4 Local AS Number: XXXXXX<br> Confederation Identifier: not configured<br>
Confederation Peers: <br> Maximum Number of IP ECMP Paths Supported for Load Sharing: 1<br> Number of Neighbors Configured: 2, UP: 1<br> Number of Routes Installed: 0<br> Number of Routes Advertising to All Neighbors: 0 (0 entries)<br>
Number of Attribute Entries Installed: 0<br> Neighbor Address AS# State Time Rt:Accepted Filtered Sent ToSend<br> XXX.YYY.ZZZ.1 XXXXXX CONN 8d 1h18m 0 0 0 0 <br>
XXX.YYY.ZZZ.2 XXXXXX <b>ESTAB</b> 7d 2h16m 0 0 0 0 <br><br><br><br>SSH@er01.XXX#sh ip bgp peer-group <br>1 BGP peer-group is RR-PEER, Remote AS: XXXXXX<br> Description: ROUTE-REFLECTORS-PEERS<br>
UpdateSource: Loopback 1<br> NextHopSelf: yes<br> SoftInboundReconfiguration: yes<br> Address family : IPV4 Unicast <br> activate <br> SendCommunity: yes<br> Route Filter Policies:<br>
Route-map: (in) FROM-RR-PEER (out) TO-RR-PEER <br> Address family : IPV4 Multicast<br> no activate <br> Address family : IPV6 Unicast <br> no activate <br> Address family : IPV6 Multicast <br>
no activate <br><b> Address family : VPNV4 Unicast <br> no activate <br></b> Address family : L2VPN VPLS <br> no activate <br> Members:<br> IP Address: XXX.YYY.ZZZ.1<br> IP Address: XXX.YYY.ZZZ.2, AS: XXXXXX <br>
<br><br><br>Also, got the right licences on the RR :<br><br>SSH@rr01.XXX#sh license <br>Index Package Name Lid Slot License Type Status License Period <br>1 IP_ROUTE_SCALE XXXXXXXXX M normal active unlimited <br>
2 NI-CER-2024-ADV XXXXXXXXX M normal active unlimited <br><br><br>Can't seem to find what's wrong... Can't seem to find anything in the NetIron config guide...<br><br>
Maybe I forgot something but this used to be quite trivial under cisco CLI. Possibly a CLI specificity I overlooked here.<br><br>Thanks.<br><br>-- <br>Youssef BENGELLOUN-ZAHR<br><br>