SB-101 on 40

Stewart D Lyon slyon at SPACEVECTOR.COM
Fri Aug 8 17:23:40 EDT 1997

HELP on SB-101.

I have resurrected my 29 yr old SB-101 and really got it working great
except for one thing: low drive on 40 meters.
The set is very sensitive on receive and is able to peg the grid current
meter on all bands except 40 mtrs (where I want to operate). There I can
barely get a wriggle out of the grid current at full on CW/MIC Level when in
Tune and very little ALC action on LSB -- even when practically shouting in
the mic.  Sometime in the distant past, I installed the 6HS6 mod and the
"switch tuning cap" mod from QST but I don't think that has anything to do
with the problem.

I have replaced the 6146s and the 6CL6 driver and have gone over both the
receiver and transmitter alignment a dozen times to no avail.  What is
really puzzling is that the problem is only on 40-transmit.

Does anybody have a clue as to how to fix this problem?? I would really like
to get this set working because a)it brings back my youth and b)it is more
sensitive & quieter than my Kenwood TS440.

Thanks in advance and 73;

Stu Lyon, W6CUX

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