Apache - almost done

Bill Coleman N2BC n2bc at IBM.NET
Thu Jul 10 07:07:10 EDT 1997

Went thru a handful of fuses before replacing the two filter caps in the high
Was lucky enuf to have a couple in the old gold mine (junque box).

Got snookered by my own impatience...  preset the bias pots, et al per the book
of course tried to load it up to full power - why read the book all THAT
close??  Drat,
can only get abt 20W output, brand new 6146s just don't want to draw any
must be a bias problem...   WRONG!

Luckily something made me branch back to the book - Oh!, there's the adjustment
on the clamp tube... I had forgotten abt that -  WOW! tons of power!

Am getting 110W output on 80 thru 15, 95W on 10.  I'm a happy camper - mostly.

AM sounds clean, but rather 'thin' - lacking in lows. Also, adjusting the
modulation level control
(R3 feeding the grid of the 12BY7) does ZIPPO.  Doesn't seem to affect the
overall audio
level at all.  Even with it cranked all the way down, I'm able to 'whistle up'
full modulator
plate current. Tomorrow's chore is to roll it over on it's back again and start
probing about
the audio circuits.

Realized I've gotten real uncoordinated in the years I've operated no-tuneup
radios. But
it's like riding a bicycle... flip the meter switch, peak this, dip that, flip
the meter, oops, the grids
are melting, twist the drive, check the plate...  Also forgot about getting
bitten by the -100V or so
on the key jack - gotta watch them miles of clip leads.

It doesn't get any better than this!
Bill Coleman (N2BC)
Email: n2bc at ibm.net

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