Heathkit Reference Book!!

Daniel Ruth heathkit at JUNO.COM
Thu Nov 13 23:04:19 EST 1997

Thought I'd mention about another strange Heath book that I acquired.
It's called HEATHKIT REFERENCE BOOKLET.  It's a TV Guide sized booklet
and within its covers are pictures, specs, and SCHEMATICS of the
O-10  OM-1  OL-1  VC-2  S-2    V-7     MM-1  M-1   AV-2  CM-1  SG-8
LG-1  TS-4  RS-1  CS-1  GD-1B  T-3     C-3   TC-2  BG-1  BE-4  VT-1
IT-1  AG-8  AO-1  SQ-1  AA-1   DR-1    DC-1  QM-1  IB-2  PS-3  BR-2
AR-2  AT-1  VF-1  AM-1  AC-1   DX-100  A-7B  A-7C  A-9B  WA-P2
W-3M  W4-M  W-5M

Quite a book, wouldn't ya say??

Also, might anyone have a CO-1 Heath Code Oscillator for sale.  Please
state price and condition.

Danny  W3ZF   heathkit at juno.com

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