Heath Nostalgia book update

Terry Perdue terryp at HALCYON.COM
Thu Nov 27 17:45:31 EST 1997

Heath fans...

I've decided to reprint the book Heath Nostalgia.

For those who might have missed the original postings, Heath Nostalgia is a
quality 124 page softcover, with sections on company history, pictures from
the archives, and the remembrances of a number of long-time employees (the
largest section). It will sell for $15 postpaid.

It will depend on the printer's workload and how much their schedule is
impacted by the holidays, but I should have books by mid-January.

If anyone wants to mail their check to me now, I'll hold it until the book
actually ships; otherwise, you can watch for an announcement here.

Thanks to everyone who said they'd like a copy.

Terry Perdue (K8TP)
18617 - 65th Court NE
Seattle, WA 98155

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