fs $ gone

Lynn n0alo at SOUTHWIND.NET
Sat Nov 29 17:56:24 EST 1997

The HW-20 is gone
Still avail are
IM-25 vom
HM-102 swr mtr
SB-100 w/HP-23 PS
HP-13a moble supply
non ham item for consideration
RCA Radiola III model R1  (s-1924) range 220-550 mtrs
Looks like tube sockets have been changed to non orig type and not as
resessed - on the back looks like a kid took a shallow cut off the bottom
edge tapered about 4 inch long (real shame) orig power cord with the metal
tags. Photos can be available via e-mail for anyone seriously interested -
73 - Lynn
n0alo at southwind.net

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