HEATH NOSTALGIA reprint update

Terry Alan Perdue terryp at HALCYON.COM
Mon Oct 27 23:37:11 EST 1997

I just wanted to let everyone know where things stand on reprinting the
book. I received responses from just under 60 people who would like to buy
the book if I reprint. I've checked with a couple of printers, and it looks
like I'll have to print 500 to get a decent price.

I've queried a couple of resellers to see if they're interested. If so, I
might feel comfortable with that large a quantity. I should hear back from
them soon, and will let you know as soon as I decide whether to go ahead.

For anyone who might have missed the original posting, Heath Nostalgia is a
quality 124 page softcover, with sections on company history, pictures from
the archives, and the remembrances of a number of long-time employees (the
largest section). If I reprint, it will sell for $15 postpaid.

Stay tuned...

Thanks and 73,

Terry, K8TP

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