ebay auction HA-14 + DC + AC supplies URL

van lincoln vlincoln at POSTOFFICE.WORLDNET.ATT.NET
Thu Oct 30 16:24:28 EST 1997

No that is not the purpose.  The reason i posted that URL in the heath
group was to give those who are interested in the HA-14 a chance to be
informed, as when i bought my ha-14 5 months ago, there was so much
interest that i had to refuse to sell to other who found that i was
purchasing the unit.  I even had the party selling say that there was a
higher offer to him with instructions not to let me know.  SO, i figured
there was plenty of interest in an HA-14, especially to THIS group.

The reason i use two e-mail address's was that the auction (ebay) uses a
feedback system in which disatisfied sellers and buyers can post positive
or negative comments about one another.  because on one disatisfied person
who threatened me and (did post)
numerous (read MANY) comments (negative about me, i obtained a new e-mail
address to escape, and altered my feedback methods.)

Ebay has been to me a forum for buying and selling radio items the like
i've never seen on the internet, has over a million items sold thru it's
presence on the internet, and is only existing because it HAS maintained
it's honesty and trustworthiness.  However, it only takes little things
like bad publicity to turn this buy/sell forum into something less
wonderful than it is.  If you suspect this has happened, advise EBAY, they
list their e-mail address prominently, and have ALWAYS replied to my
questions.  I for one have not had any problems with spam (other than what
i would expect), and i am sure that there are programs out there that can
LIFT the e-mail addresses from the auction bids/bidders if they wanted to,
without the participation or knowledge of ebay.  I get many industry
publications in my work, and SPAM is a problem all throughout the internet
without at present any viable solution OTHER than NOT patronizing the
bas...ds ('scus my french)!  Anyone who spams me (unsolicited commercial
DISGUSTING ads)  gets put into an index i use so I know NOT to use them.
this IS the reason for the posting.
unfortunately my signature file also got posted as well.  van wd8aam
A Heath Collector / Buyer / Seller / Trader / Apppreciative of a by-gone

At 10:23 PM 10/30/97 +0000, you wrote:
>On 30-Oct-97 VAN LINCOLN typed:
>>To see the HA-14 up for auction click on the URL below:
>>I use buysell at mailexcite.com for bidding and
>>selling on ebay, but use <vlincoln at worldnet.att.net> for
>>e-mail.  Please reply to the 'vlincoln at worldnet.att.net' address.
>>thanks. van
>Van, just curious, is that because ebay sells addresses to spammers? I
found to
>my chagrin after registering on ebay, my spam intake increased 1000% !!
>               Sent at 17:25:21 on 30-Oct-97
>    _  _  _ _      _  ___   John L. Sielke n4js at qsl.net n4js at amsat.org
>   | \| || | |  _ | |/ __|  n4js at usa.net NJ Grid:FM29LN
>   | .` ||_  _|| || |\__ \       http://www.qsl.net/n4js
>   |_|\_|  |_|  \__/ |___/  NJ-QRP #57  QRP-L #884  QRP-ARCI #9328
>   NE-QRP #507 G-QRP #9544  NorCal #1989  QCWA FISTS #2781 ARS #243

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