HD-1250 Mishap

Bill Coleman AA4LR aa4lr at RADIO.ORG
Wed Sep 17 08:16:36 EDT 1997

On 9/16/97 8:05 PM, Paul Kupersmith at r1 at eclipse.net wrote:

>Heathkit list members:
>I have just subscribedto this list, which has
>given me the motivation to dig out my old heathkit equipment.
>When I opened the plastic housing for my HD-1250 Grid Dip meter,
>I noticed that the black foam used to secure the meter and
>plugins had disintegrated to such a point as to desposit black
>"tar" on top of the meter.
>If you have that foam, I would recommend checking it, and replacing it.

I bought the same meter at a hamfest some years ago. So the exact vintage
of my meter is unknown.

I moved, and didn't look at my radio stuff for almost 2 years (I was
building a radio shack in the basement). When I went to check out my
meter battery, my foam was in equivalent condition -- totally

I removed the foam and did not replace it. The carry case seems to do OK
without it.

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr at radio.org
Quote: "Not in a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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