CTCS 107.2

Ray Allen, W2KBR/3 raallen at EROLS.COM
Mon Sep 22 13:44:46 EDT 1997

  At the risk of  a  flame  or two, I'm looking  for  a  CTCS  unit
for  a  Kenwood  TR7400A. I know from past  experience, that Kenwood
and Drake both "bought"  2  mtr units from Japan and had the Facia
changed  to read "Drake" or"Kenwood".  The units, for almost all
intents and purposes  were identical under the covers.  The part
number for the kenwood is L79-0412-05.  Its  a plug in  tone active
filter, for 107.2 PL.  Anybody have such a critter.....
I included the Heath folks, so  as  not to let anybody out of  a chance
to flame....To the purists  on  board, my humblest apologies,
if  I'm succesful  in finding the little  part....73
Ray Allen, W2KBR/3
8303 Grainfield Road
Severn, MD.,21144-2331
FM-19, TenX 68656, CBC 379

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