FS: Heath Manuals

Matt Robbins n8ugd at SERV01.NET-LINK.NET
Mon Sep 29 11:38:33 EDT 1997

I have the following Heathkit manuals for sale.

        ET/ETW-1000     Circut Design Trainer                   $5
        HG-10B          VFO (condensed) Copy                    $3
        HN-31A          "CANTENNA" Dummy Load                   $3
        HP-13A          Transistorized  DC Power Supply         $3
        SA-2040         Antenna Tuner                           $5
        HA-202          2-Meter FM Amplifier                    $5
        HP-1144         AC Power Supply                         $5
        IP-27           Regulated Low Voltage Power Supply      $5
        IP-2717A        Regulated High Voltage Power Supply     $5
        HM-102          RF Power Meter                          $5
        SA-5010         MicroMatic Memory Keyer                 $10
        SB-102          SSB Transeiver (condensed)              $10
        SBA-104-3       CW Filter Accessory                     $3
        SBM-104-2       Modulation Kit for SB-104               $3
        SB-104          Opperation and Assembly Manuals         $25
        SB-221          Linear Amplifier                        $12
        SB-301          SSB Receiver                            $12
        SB-614          Station Monitor                         $12
        SB-644A         Remote VFO                              $10
        SB-1000         Linear Amplifier                        $10
        SG-4244         Precision Oscilloscope Calibrator       $5
        VF-1            Variable Freq. Oscillator               $5

All prices do not include shipping.


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