FS: Heath Parts units

Ken W8EK w8ek at JUNO.COM
Thu Apr 16 16:30:02 EDT 1998

I have the following items for sale.  They are not in working order, and
are offered for parts only.

Heath V-7 A VTVM.  Rough condition.  Switches seem to be OK.  Meter scale
is OK, but movement is shot.  Outer case is OK, but not excellent.   $ 10

Heath HD-19 keyer.  This one is in many pieces, and I do not remember
what its problem is.  Manual (original) is included, but is in rough
shape.  I think all of the parts are with it, but not certain.
$  12

Heath HD-19 phone patch.  Case is in good shape.  Meter is in great
shape.  The connectors have been changed, and the knobs are missing.
Otherwise, in pretty good condition.   Might even be in working order!  $

Prices do not include shipping from NE Ohio.


Ken, W8EK

Ken Simpson
E-Mail to W8EK at usa.net or KenMar.Ind at Juno.com
Voice phone (330) 499-7388

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