Looking for (IM-11)

Stewart D Lyon stu_w6cux at JUNO.COM
Fri Apr 24 00:56:23 EDT 1998

Sean -- a digital voltmeter will work just as well, or better. The IM-11
has an input impedance of 11 megs and most DVMs are higher than that. If
the test also calls for a "RF Probe" than that's a different story. The
RF Probe was sold as an accessory to the VTVM and will only work (at
least easily) with a Heath VTVM. However, the only place a Probe is used,
on a SB-101, is during the alternate (and preferred) method of
neutralizing the 6146s (and maybe the balanced modulator -- I can't

You can buy a pretty good DVM for $40-50 at most radio stores and they
are lot more accurate than a VTVM.

I have a Heath VTVM and  RF Probe and never use them on my SB-101s.
Instead I use a DVM and an oscilloscope. I think the gear will remain
original even if you use modern test equipment on it !!

Hope this helps &
73, Stu - W6CUX
Winnetka, CA
ARRL Life Member

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