Edward Swynar gswynar at DURHAM.NET
Sat Aug 15 18:43:16 EDT 1998

FOR SALE: The PREMIER publication for any and all aspiring, wannabe glowbug

"UNDERSTANDING AMATEUR RADIO", by ARRL, 1963, FIRST Edition, 313+ pages.

This copy is intact, and in VERY good+ condition. ALL topics of Amateur
Radio are meticulously covered herein---but what is especially worthy of
note is the fact that AM theory, design parameters, and construction are
thoroughly covered, all with  with the beginner in mind. There are many
very fine examples of practical "build-it-yourself" projects, from
tube-type VFOs, to a high powered 2x1625 linear amplifier---modulated by a
pair of 1625s! There's even extensive coverage on mods and add-ons for the
ARC-5 series of military surplus...

This is the book without which I would most assuredly NOT have secured my
ticket 27 years ago. It is as much absolute MUST reading for to-day's
generation of silicon bound Amateur attempting to "get into" hollow state
technology, as it is for the veteran Ham looking for a "one stop" ready
source of practical hands-on information...and that's no bull!

Any and all offers are welcomed at this time. Thank-you for your

73, de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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