Edward Swynar gswynar at DURHAM.NET
Fri Aug 21 17:17:45 EDT 1998

Many thanks to all who have replied to my various recent advertisements of
SB-102 parts, books, and magazines for sale...the response has been TRULY

I apologize to those whom I did not reply to directly---but again, I was
simply amazed (and quite bowled over) by the interest expressed in my items
by this medium of E-mail, which is still very new and fascinating for me .

To those who have sent payment for specific items, please be advised that I
shall be on vacation (and away from the computer!) for 1-1/2 weeks,
commencing 22nd August...I will mail your purchases upon my return.

To others, be aware that I shall post other goodies in the near future, as
I continue to "thin out" my stock of hardware/magazines/books/etc. ...

By the way, I am always on the look-out for specific 1920 (and earlier)
issues of "QST" magazine, to supplement my personal collection...

Vy 73 to all, de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ / W4

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