Small Parts Needed

Mike Morris morris at COGENT.NET
Fri Dec 4 01:02:21 EST 1998

... referring to SB-line dial lights...

> Additionally, has anyone seen a source for the shaded covers that
>go over these lamps instead of spraying the light all over the case
>and allows you to direct the light?

Believe it or not, I found perfect shields in the auto junkyard.
Look at Chrysler products from the mid to late '70s - the ashtray
lights and glove compartment lights used a 14 volt version of
the #47 bulb, and had a perfect shield for this purpose.
These cars also had a small bulb in the side of the steering
column with a shield that had a small side hole - the light
shined on the ignition switch, was turned on and off by a small
thermal timer (hidden under the dashboard - looked like a
3-prong fluorescent lamp starter).  The timer was triggered
by the dome light switch.
Some GM vehicles have these shields also, my grandmothers
'57 Caddy and my friends mid-80s Suburban comes to mind, but
I'm more familiar with Chrysler and Toyota.

(My daily driver is a '73 Dodge Dart, an ex-DEA undercover
chase car.  My wife's is an '85 Toyota Corolla.  The current
project car is a '67 El Camino. (no road salt in southern calif)
Anybody got a Heathkit CD Ignition unit or Intermittent Wiper
Control unit on the shelf?)


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