ISO 9000 Meets Heathkit

Gordon Brandly gordo at DATANET.AB.CA
Fri Dec 4 13:31:47 EST 1998

Hi all,

We're gearing up for ISO 9000 certification, part of which is to document
the calibration intervals of all of our instruments. We have one Heathkit,
an IM-2410 frequency counter. I ended up buying the manual from W7FG (nicely
bound, BTW) and used that to calibrate the counter as best as I could. Since
it was designed long before ISO 9000 was even a gleam in anyone's eye,
there's no recommended calibration interval, of course.

I'd like to know if any of the former Heathkit employees on this list could
give me an educated guess about the interval I should use. Most of our other
instruments are one year or six months, but I noticed that both this counter
and my IM-4100 counter at home were still pretty close to bang-on even
though neither had been checked for at least ten years prior to yesterday.
The longer we can make the interval, the less work for us. The ISO 9000
process is enough work as it is. <grin>

Thanks for any guess, suggestions, etc.

Gordon Brandly
Russell Technologies Corporation
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
gordo at

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