Help: Broken Heath Toroids

Robert S. Capon RobCap at AOL.COM
Mon Dec 7 22:10:40 EST 1998


I'm working on a Heath 2060A antenna tuner, and unfortunately both toroidal
cores are broken in half.  I have three questions:

1) Will broken toroids work if they're pieced back together, or should they be
2) The Heath part number is 475-19, but there is no description of the
component other than "Toroidal Core".  From the ARRL handbook, I am guessing
that it's a T-200 (OD 2", ID 1.25", Height .55").  Further, it's red on one
side, so I'm guessing it's an E-type powdered iron toroidal core.  Does this
sound like a good description for the 475-19?
3) Where can one obtain these toroids in quantity of 2?

Thanks for the help.


Rob, W3DX

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