Help: Broken Heath Toroids

Steve Harrison ko0u at OS.COM
Tue Dec 8 00:56:49 EST 1998

At 10:10 PM 12/7/98 EST, Robert S. Capon wrote:
>I'm working on a Heath 2060A antenna tuner, and unfortunately both toroidal
>cores are broken in half.  I have three questions:
>1) Will broken toroids work if they're pieced back together, or should
they be

Yes, they usually will. The only problem I've encountered was when the
ferrite was lossy at high frequencies and heated sufficiently for the epoxy
to become soft. I can't remember the name of it... look for a
high-temperature epoxy if you can, and use only a very thin layer.

>2) The Heath part number is 475-19, but there is no description of the
>component other than "Toroidal Core".  From the ARRL handbook, I am guessing
>that it's a T-200 (OD 2", ID 1.25", Height .55").  Further, it's red on one
>side, so I'm guessing it's an E-type powdered iron toroidal core.  Does this
>sound like a good description for the 475-19?

Highly likely. The red color identifies the core as type 2 material, which
is designed for HF (roughly 3-30 MHz).

>3) Where can one obtain these toroids in quantity of 2?

Amidon or Fairrite (although Fairrite may have a minimum quantity, I'm not
sure anymore). Amidon is a low-quantity distributor while Fairrite is the
manufacturer. There are other manufacturers with suitable replacements, and
most also have crossreferences. Sorry, I don't have any addresses, etc.;
try looking in QST, CQ, 73, or even the vendor's list in the ARRL handbook.

73, Steve Ko0U/1

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