HW-101 - Putting it on Three Megs!/Putting SB line on other frequencies....

Guy G. Giacopuzzi DDS ggg3dds at JS-NET.COM
Wed Dec 9 10:39:02 EST 1998

Paul K. Dean wrote:
> I did a very similar thing some years ago with an SB-310 receiver.  Wanted
> to change the 26.9 mhz "CB" band to 10 meter coverage.  Calculated the
> proper crystal frequency, ordered it from International Crystal. Installed
> and went through the alignemnt for that band.  Bingo!  10 meter reception!

I own a rather special SB-310--it was built,and used by Radio Free
Europe...in the manual, they added instructions concerning changing the
310's frequency to other non-covered bands--you essentially plugged in a
xtal, and realined the coils...my unit even came with about 6 extra "out
of band" xtals.  Evidentally, RFE used the unit to monitor other
shortwave stations and East block jammers.  I haven't tried my unit on
such frequencies, but, from what I can gather, the tuned circuts have a
greater range than one would suspect.  This makes a 300/301/310 a rather
versatile receiver, especially since you get 500kc of range on each
band; a Collins 753C will only give you 200kc per xtal.  This won't work
with an SB-303--changing the xtals and getting to the coils is too
difficult, but it's relatively easy for the 300/301/310 because of the
flip top lid and easy access to the coil bank. So all you fellows
bemoaning the fact you can't get a 310', relax, just convert a 300/301!


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