MCL mixer

Sheldon Darack shel at LUCENT.COM
Thu Dec 10 17:14:04 EST 1998

MCL Minicircuit labs

Now the brain cells are wondering, is there something we can apply from
this bit of knowledge?
Anyone want to discuss using this mixer or one like it to convert a HW-16
to full xceive using the internal vfo?
Shel  WA2UBK

 Heathkit part number:
>It is U101 on the Het. Osc. Board and mine seems not to be working.  It
>looks like this device mixes 5-5.5mhz from the VFO board with an xtal
>(80-10 meters) and the result is the transmit frequency.  I've got good
>input from the vfo and all of the xtals are working, just NO output (pin
>1) from this dohickey  The small, 8 pin device in in a metal rectangular
>can marked MCLSBL-1
>Thanks in advance!

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