
Mike Shelton ke4lgx at YAHOO.COM
Sat Dec 26 13:52:45 EST 1998

Still looking for a IP-2718 Tri-output power supply.
Any help in finding one appreciated, need this to
complete Heath Test Equipment work station.
last posting I offered a sperry digital meter as a
finders prize , this still goes. will take one working
or not as long as unit is cosmeticly complete and
board in tac. You guys going to hamfest be on the lookout please.
Mike Shelton   ke4lgx

Mike Shelton CET, KE4LGX
PH/FAX 336-229-5671
Electronic Service on Amateur,TV,VCR @ Security Systems.
Work Email: sheltonm at physics.unc.edu
Home Email: ke4lgx at yahoo.com
Visit my Website at:http://www.physics.unc.edu/~sheltonm

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