Parts/Board Pulls

Ray Allen, Sr., W2KBR/3 raallen at EROLS.COM
Tue Feb 10 12:24:44 EST 1998

 To those who wanted Parts or Boards etc, all pieces have been shipped.
You will recall that I indicated $3.00 USPS Priority.
Well friend at USPS says small packages going First Class will get
to destination same time as Priority...cept it's cheaper.
So the small things went First Class, others at the cutoff for
First class went Priority...only one went Parcel post cause I know
the guy is not in a hurry, his will arrive in 7 days vice 3/4...

Chuck: the meter is still here cause I heard you moved, need updated

By the way, all the remaining parts are gone; except the side rail
pots for VOX, delay, etc etc.....and the empty chassis, which will go
to aluminumumnumummm recycler....
Many thanks for helping to dispose of this HW-101 in an acceptable
manner, vice the local land fill, which I think is a terrible waste.
Think about it  ;o)))).. es 73 Ray
Ray Allen, Sr., W2KBR/3
8303 Grainfield Road
Severn, Maryland, 21144-2331

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