question about a rig...

Curtis D. Levin cdlevin at DIALISDN.COM
Thu Feb 26 12:09:46 EST 1998

When I was a kid, back in 1971, Heathkit used to have
a rig with a separate transmitter, and receiver. The
two were paired together, and I'm not sure if they were
CW only or not. They were about half the size of the
HW-16, and they were mated together. The tuning knobs
had little finger indentations, and they were about
the same size each, from what I can remember. Does
anyone know the name of these rigs, and if any are still
around ???

I wanted to be a ham when I was a kid, but didn't have the
money. That rig was the one I wanted, but I just can't
remember what the model number was. Maybe I can relive
a childhood fantasy now.

| Curtis D. Levin   | Team Os/2  | cdlevin at |
|   [] |   kd4zkw at   |
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