HW-16: RF Gain pot bad twice

Thu Feb 26 21:45:21 EST 1998

>> In a recent post, Kevin said of his HW-16:

"I found the receiver problem. Seems that the RF gain
control is open. I have a jumper in there now, but am
looking for a potentiometer to install. There's a
2k linear pot in there now. I don't know if I'll be
able to find the exact one locally. I'll be looking
though. Does anyone know if the the 2K-L was the right
pot for the unit ? I think RS has a 5K-L, but I don't
want to cause a problem."
| Curtis D. Levin   | Team Os/2  | cdlevin at dialisdn.com |
| kd4zkw.ampr.org   [] |   kd4zkw at amsat.org   |
| *Member of HTML Writers Guild* | * * Linux 2.0.33 * * |
|    Webpage  http://www.dialisdn.net/user/cdlevin/     |

Interesting comment, because I am refurbishing an HW-16 and mine ALSO had an
open RF gain pot!  The pot, according to the schematic, Kevin, is 200 ohms,
not 2000 ohms.  I temporarily replaced mine with a 200 ohm pot from the junk
box the other night and the receiver worked fine and the gain was controlled
smoothly.  Bought a new one today at the surplus store (250 ohms, but close
enough) that has the right physical dimensions for $3.95.  Much better quality
than the Clarostat replacements I saw in the Newark  and other catalogs for
$12!!!  You really do need RF gain on this radio, else the product detector
will overload easily and distort.  There is no AGC (subject of another post to
this forum).

Between the VFO coil slug and the trimmer on the side of the tuning variable
cap, you should be able to align the frequency at the top and bottom of the
band pretty well.

Good luck on your code practice.


"One of the Hams from Heath"

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