[Fwd: Parts Needed-SB-620]

Gerry VanLoh vanloh at INST.AUGIE.EDU
Mon Jan 12 12:42:21 EST 1998

Hi Guys... I think there are several of us out there looking to make the
SB-620 work with the SB line.  If there are more of these coils floating
around anywhere or if someone has successfully converted their non
Heath  IF freq, SB-620 back to 3395 kHz, I'd be interested in hearing
what they did.  I have one which will have to be converted also and
figured I'd come up with something eventually.

Thanks much

Chuck Penson wrote:
> Erik is looking for a 3395 kHz coil set for the SB-620. If you can help
> him please contact him directly. Thanks!
> --
> Chuck Penson
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Parts Needed-SB-620
> Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 10:17:28 EST
> From: ErikDyce <ErikDyce at aol.com>
> Organization: AOL (http://www.aol.com)
> To: penson at sci.mus.mn.us
> I just purchased an SB-620 Scanalyzer, also known as a Panadapter.  I am
> thrilled to add it to my SB line!  HOWEVER, as you note in your book, these
> may be wired for other IF frequencies.  So comes the problem!
> Mine is wired for 1000 kHz.  I need it to connect to the 3395 kHz IF frequency
> required for the SB series.  As such, I am looking for the conversion items,
> Coil L3, part number 40-776, and L2, part number 52-101.  There are also some
> resistors and capacitors to change, but hopefully no problem there.
> Thank you for any help in locating the coils needed to perform the return back
> to Heathkit purity!
> 73 de KC0ALS
> Erik Dyce
> Denver
> 303-640-2014

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