Transformer failure discussion in monitor scopes, voltage doublers, 0.1 uF @ hv caps
Multi-Volti Devices
multi-volti at SOFTHOUSE.COM
Sun Jul 5 14:16:20 EDT 1998
Thanks to all the others for sharing their opinions and professional
knowledge. Alot of my ruminating was textbook regurgitation, so I couldn't
tell you what happens rarely and what happens most frequently. Anyway, all
this has me interested now in scraping up stuff for an outboard hv supply
I don't have SB-610 schematics, so I am wondering if anyone who does and
also can tell the difference between a half-wave voltage doubler and a
full-wave voltage doubler would let me know what the circuit uses.
My reasoning is that one doubler topology has equal voltage across both
capacitors (or perhaps more accurately, requires equal voltage rating for
both capacitors), and the other topology has respectively "V" and "2V"
rating requirements (that is, one cap needs double the voltage rating of the
Hypothetically, what if Heath used the configuration with the asymmetrical
voltage rating requirement and one cap might be marginally rated or
underrated. (I'm stilling groping for an explanation.).
I want to look further into the use of 2 x 0.22 uF in series, using 1000 V
parts (I don't know if the 1200 and 1600 V parts go that high in
capacitance). If space wasn't a problem, I'd like to see 2 x 0.22 @ 1200 V
each for each 0.1 uF part. In an outbord power supply, space would be less
of an issue.
If I come up with a solution that is economical, I'll share it. (anyone know
what the hv 0.1's end up costing when you find a source (minimum order has
been the issue I hear).
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