Fwd: HW-7 kit wanted

Scott Bauer ke3nv at EROLS.COM
Thu Jul 16 02:12:42 EDT 1998

>Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 02:07:20 -0400
>To: Heath List
>From: Scott Bauer <ke3nv at erols.com>
>Subject: HW-7 kit wanted
> Hello Group,
> I am looking for an unbuilt Heath Kit HW-7.
> I will pay a dectent price for the unbuilt kit if it is complete
>and in good condition. Please remember that I am not
>a collector of unbuilt kits and have no plans on re-selling
>the kit. I plan to build the kit and enjoy using it on a daily
>basis. I have been lucky enough to build an HW-8 recently
>and would love to have the HW-7 as well.
> If anyone might have one to sell, please email me directly
>and we will work out the details.
> Thank you very much,  Scott w3cv

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