GreenWood Revisited

Ray A. Allen w2kbr at TOAD.NET
Thu Jul 16 11:32:20 EDT 1998

To all who replied thanks...and I read on a bit more and.....

" The ALC control voltage is developed across a voltage divider that
consistes of caps C8/C9 (Final grid circuitry) A sample of this voltage
is Rectified by diode D1. This diode is reversed biased with approx.
+6 volts DC to form a threshold level. A negative DC control voltage
is produced that is proportional to the modulation level. The control
voltage is then applied back to the ALC of the input of the exciter....
As one fellow suggested, just don't shout into the Mic trying to get
that  DX....probably right...seems the amount of ALC negative voltage
is tough to pin down, all things considered...

One idea was to put a Zenier across the ALC to keep it from going over
-8 volts.......

Now, maybe that is the rest of the story.... es 73 Ray

Ray A. Allen, W2KBR/3
8303 Grainfield Rd.
Severn, MD., 21144-2331

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