FS or T Heathkits

Gary Harmon gharmon at IDWORLD.NET
Thu Jul 16 22:32:47 EDT 1998


a.  Some have manuals
b.  Some have probes
c.  All prices PLUS shipping or postage
d.  Price too high?  Make me an offer I can't refuse
e.  Trades considered always
f.    Holler for specific details
g.   Discounts for quantity

05.  Heathkit CD-1 color bar and dot generator - 10
06.  Heathkit GR-54 parts receiver - 15
17. Handbooks
a. 1947 - $20
b. 1948 - $12 ruff
c. 1954 - $20
d. 1970 (2) - $12 ea
e. 1971 - $12
f.  1973 - $12
g. 1976 - $12
h. 1977 - $12
i. 1978 - $12
j. 1980 - $10
18. Heathkit SB-634 station console (no meter or SWR/power circuitry) - 30
19. Heathkit Pawnee transceiver with power cable - 50
23. Heathkit IM-1210 digital multimeter - 25
30.  Heathkit O-12 scope - 20
32.  Heathkit HD-1410 keyer (not paddles or paddle mechanism) - 15
Thanks for reading......now get busy and order something!  :o)

Gary H. Harmon, Jr., K5JWK
6302 Robin Forest
San Antonio, TX  78239-3218
(210) 657-1549
gharmon at idworld.net

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