HP-13 transistors

Multi-Volti Devices multi-volti at SOFTHOUSE.COM
Thu Jul 16 22:10:16 EDT 1998


Here's the 'alleged data'. I got it from a computer printout that was
dumpstered. I don't trust everything I read in the Heath parts lists from
their computer because they were probably sometimes keyed in by staff
without technical knowledge, and thus errors could get thru. I have found
errors like mA and A interchanged, and ac and dc voltages not stated due
to lack of room.

417-60 SP838 Ge PNP 45 V 25 A 100 W b = 60-300

There was no 2N number, apparently, with SP838 being the original number.

Someone ought to try FET's. I'm guessing the circuit was a so-called
Royer inverter, which incidentally, was revived for laptop PC backlight
inverters! They just use ferrite at much higher freqs instead of iron.


Michael Tallent wrote:

> Hello:
> Anyone know what the 2N number for the power transistors in the HP-13
> power supply is.  Heath part number 417-60.
> Thanks
> Mike W6MXV  in KY
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