Heath MM-1 Multimeter Wtd

Bob Miller bmiller at CALWEB.COM
Sun Jul 19 13:15:59 EDT 1998

I sure would like to find a Heathkint MM-1 multimeter circa 1955, about
the size of a Simpson or Triplett, but more squarish.  Need one for a
photo I am trying to comlete of my original ham station circa 1960 which

included an R105/ARR-15,  A black command set transmitter, a home brew
power supply plate modulator and a pile of haywire to make any OSHA
inspector drool with visions of citations in the hundreds.  I've managed

to round up everything but the MM-1.  Will trade a working Simpson 260
or buy or what ever.

    Thank you for the read

    Bob, KE6F
    Sacaramento, CA

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