Assembly manuals and Kamikaze Pilots

Gilmore,Mike mgilmore at WBEZ.ORG
Mon Jul 27 21:17:30 EDT 1998

Dear Green Group,

Yes it is always best to have the complete assembly manual, preferably
the one used by the
person who builit your rig.  I kept my HW-101 going as long as I did
thanks to having this available.

Kamikaze Pilots wore helmets because:  A) It's part of their military
Uniform and B) It's where their radio headphones are as long as they
needed them. (Thanks to Cecil Adams and "The Straight Dope")

For Shelly and John, KC8KRN and KC8KRQ,

I still have my 1967 Novice License hanging on the wall of my shack.
Hope you still have yours
in 2029.

I guess that covers everything.  Back to cannibalizing the power supply
from an old TV.

TNX es 73,

Mike, KE9EX
formerly WN0RBY, WA0RBY

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