K7UGA's Heathkits

Ed Mosher wa8zvo at JUNO.COM
Wed Jul 29 22:13:38 EDT 1998

Fellow Green Box Lovers,

It is well known among Heath employees that Barry was THE NUMBER ONE
Heath Fan!  He at one time built EVERY Heath ham product, almost to the
last.  I would say the Barry had almost as many Heath kits around as
David Nurse, former Heath president, did.  Dave got one of EVERY kit

Barry was known to stop by our little plant and say HI to Dave and many
of the other Heath hams.  He was always an open, warm and friendly man,
and never got anything but a warm welcome.  He made it a point to talk to
people while doing the customary "tour" during his visits, and will
always be remembered as the #1 Fan.

Ed Mosher
WA8ZVO at JUNO.COM         Formerly  "One of the Hams at Heath"
1442 Cardinal Drive             R/C 4 Ever
St. Joseph, MI 49085
                 "Corporations make decisions based on dollars, not

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