DX-60 Meter WTB

Sandy Gerli angerli at CONNIX.COM
Fri Jul 31 13:11:12 EDT 1998

Hi, all,

Further in this restoration job, the meter's shot. Anyone have a spare
or a parts car I can get a meter from? Mine is the original DX-60 with
the meter behind the front panel, but I'll bet that a meter from an A or
a B would fit the mounting plate just as well.

Hope someone can help me out.


Sandy Gerli, AC1Y
500 Country Club Road
Avon, CT  06001-2406
(860) 675-5566
E-Mail: angerli at connix.com

Life Member: ARRL, QCWA
Charter Member: Collins Collectors Association

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Than to speak up and remove all doubt..." - Mark Twain

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