Heathkit HX-1681 / HR-1680 Twins

David Fouchey dafouche at JAX-INTER.NET
Thu Jun 4 17:45:57 EDT 1998

And worked well for such modest cost, I have the pair right now that I use
for my cw rig. Bought both kits at the same time in '79,  I simply used my
HP-23B/SB600 rather than buy a new speaker & power supply but otherwise
have the whole setup.

Nice simple receiver/transmitter pairing for cw.

At 11:50 AM 6/4/98 -0500, Dwight W9YQ wrote:
>Dona't have the catalogs but according to WA7ZZE's Heathkit Products book,
>they were manufactured form 1976 to 1982, cost $239.95 ea. and the HS-1661
>was the only mentioned accessory.
>73 ... Dwight ... de W9YQ
>George Gleim wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> Might someone who has access to a few Heathkit catalogs (late 1970's,
>> early 1980's) be kind enough to tell me when these radios were sold and
>> the cost of the kits.  Also, were there any matching items other than
>> the HS-1661 Speaker???
>> Thanks and very best regards,
>> George
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