adding AGC using transistors to GRID voltage on TUBES. HW16?

Fred Finster Fred_Finster at EL.NEC.COM
Mon Mar 9 19:53:13 EST 1998

     look on page 40 of QST July 1987.

     A Father HAM was looking for a modification to add Automatic Gain
     Control to an old Tube Rig.  I was perusing through the library QST
     back issues and on page 40 of QST July 1987 in the Technical
     Correspondence was an article showing how to take the audio signal and
     convert it it an AGC voltage to contol the negative grid voltage on a
     tube to reduce the gain.   Just what he asked for.  Unfortunately I
     deleted his message and can't reply directly to him.

     If you are unable to get a copy of the article from your local
     library, you might want to purchase the QST on CDROMs.  If you REALLY
     need a copy, I can photocopy the 1/2 page article in the Sunnyvale
     library and US MAIL /FAX to you copy.

     Fred Finster  WB7ODY

     ps.  At a local SWAP meet, I came across a metal box with a speaker in
     it.  No circuit boards.  It did have circuit layout showing 3
     transistors and a crystal.   The label read  "Heathkit GW-30"
     on the back dated April 1961, Benton Harbor Michigan.
     Looking at the KB9JJA pages I see that it was a 10M ham transciever ir
     CB walkie-talkie.

     Just wondering did anybody hear use one and could comment on the
     performance or lack thereof.   Did anybody talk round the world on 10M
     using one of these GW30s?
     I just wondered if it was similiar to the little walkie talkies you
     could buy at the store in the late-60's.
     The ones I used worked about 1/4 mile (5-6 city blocks).  Since they
     used a CB channel you could hear other CBers on these walkie talkies.
     It was kind of fun, before I got my ham license in 1976 after high

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