Need Substitute for PN 443-29

Mike Morris morris at COGENT.NET
Fri May 8 03:47:21 EDT 1998

At 04:42 AM 05/07/98 -0700, you wrote:
>I am trying to cross reference an Integrated circuit Heathkit part number
>443-29.  It is a buffer storage device in a 16 pin dip package.  The part
>description in the manual is C'Greek letter mu'L9959 where 'Greek letter
>mu' is the same as the micro symbol.
>The decade counter has a similar part number 443-28 described as a
>C'Greek letter mu'L9958 decade counter.

Sounds like Fairchild "MicroLogic" RTL line from the late 60s -
early 70s era.
The key will be the supply voltage: RTL lived on +3.6v and ground,
DTL and TTL lived on +5 and ground.  After I saw your posting I looked
around here but I have nothing on the 99xx series chips.

HOWEVER---  on the hunch that the leading 9 might have been a
temperature range, package info, etc, I looked farther...

The the 959 is a RTL 16 pin package that is a 4-bit latch, and
the 958 is a decade counter.  I have the pinouts if you need them.
I'm looking at page 2-201 of the 1975 "Full Line Condensed Catalog".
Send me a fax number by email and I'll send you the two pages that
discuss RTL (which was effectively dead by 1975).

What kit was it in?  If there's only a few chips, I've converted
several RTL designs to TTL.

Mike Morris - WA6ILQ

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