Got a Heath DX-20

Harry Bump bump-km3d at REDROSE.NET
Wed Nov 18 00:18:56 EST 1998


Last summer picked up a DX-20; my novice rig from 1969.  Cosmetically it
looks pretty good.  I peeked inside and tweaked a couple of things that
mechanically didn't look 'clean' then fired it up.  The power
transformer had been replaced with something not designed for the rig,
but it looked 'ok' - B+ wires, etc. went where they were supposed to,

Anyhow, the plate current only dropped to about 100ma on adjustment and
the power out measured at about 5 watts, instead of the 50 I was looking
for....  will start by measuring voltages.  Was glad to see 'no smoke'
anyway; anybody have any specific ideas?  It's a pretty basic rig so
once I get the voltmeter in there I expect to solve it (bad 6DQ6A?).  I
do have the manual and schematic.


Harry, KM3D

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